Lightweight Louver

Louver is a lightweight acoustic grating which acts as a noise barrier while allowing air to flow through it. The lightweight Louvre is constructed in lamellae, available in thicknesses of 170 and 250mm and is a mass-produced alternative to Slimshield and Noishield series.

Lightweight Louver from IAC Acoustics for noise attenuation

Lightweight Louver

IAC Acoustics A/S’ Lightweight Louver is suitable for placement around noisy machinery which needs natural ventilation or cooling. The noise is attenuated as it passes through the grating over the underside of the slats, and air blows straight through.

Acoustic slats for noise attenuation

These acoustic slats or acoustic gratings, as they are also called, are used for reducing noise pollution in residential areas, industrial areas and as natural ventilation in facades and acoustic enclosures.

Possible applications include:

  • Gratings for noise attenuation of installations on rooftops
  • Fresh-air inlet for ventilation systems
  • Screens around mechanical equipment at ground or roof level
  • Acoustic barriers or noise screen
Lightweight Louvre Datasheet
4.8 MB Download

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